Friday, October 28, 2011

My 4 elements!

Argon was discovered by Sir William Ramsay, a Scottish chemist, and Lord Rayleigh, an english chemist, in 1894. Argon makes up .93% of the Earth's atmoshpere, making it the third most abundant gas. It is obtained from the air as the byproduct of the production of oxygen and nitrogen.
Silver- People have been using silver for 5000 years. The discoverer of Silver is unknown. It can be obtained by pure deposits, fromn silver ores, and in conjuction with deposits of ores containing lead, gold, or copper
Gold- It has been know for atleast 5500 years. It is found free in nature but it is usaually found in conjuction with silver, quratz, calcite, lead, tellurium, zinc, or copper. It is the most malleabl and ductile of all the elemnts. Pure gold is soft.
Sodium- It is the sixth most abundunt element in the world. It comprises 2.6% of the Earth's crust. It is never found free in nature. Pure sodium was first isolated by Sir Humphry Davy in 1807 through the electrolysis of caustic sodium.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Gases used in Neon

When an electric current is appliedto a neon light tube the atoms belonging to the gas are knocked out of orbit and start colliding. When they collide, the release energy which results in color. Mixing gasses and elements added to a neon light creates diffrent hues.

Carbon-14 Dating and Half-life

Carbon-14 dating is a method of obtaining age estimates on organice materials. It does not work on inorgainc materials because in organic means non carbon containing. This was developed by Willard F. Libby. The half-life of a carbon 14 atom is 5,730 years. By looking at the ratio of carbon 12 to carbon 14 in the sample and comparing it to the ratio in a living organism, it is possible to determine the age of a formely living thing.


Friday, September 30, 2011

10D1 10D2 10D5

Alpha- It is physically imposible for aplha radiation to penetrate your skin. It is harmful if you ingest Alpha radiation. It is not good if you ihale aplha radiation as well.

Beta-  it is possible for the radiation to enter your skin. It is harmful if it enters your system.A posively particle is relased when it is directed between two plates.

Gamma Radiation- it is nuetral and has no mass. It is not deflected by magnets.

fission- whne you slpit an atom and a nucleur reaction occurs.

fusion- when you put two nuclei together and they give out energy.

nuclear energy- energy from nuclear fusion or fission. You could use the energy to power your appliances. If it becomes airborne or a nucleur reaction occurs, many problems will arise.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Owl Recycling Factory

Dear City Official,
I understand that you have a problem and I am willing to help. To solve your problem, I will conduct a series of expirements. The first step is to add water. The density of milk jugs are .95 g/ml. All the other materials are over the density of 1 g/ml. As a result the milk jugs powder will rise and you may seperate the milk jugs from the other materials. When that is completed, use the tank labeled "Concentrated sugar water, density = 1.5 g/ml" and add the other three materials with the sugar water. Since the density of the soda bottles are 1.4 g/ml and the density of the sugar water is 1.5 g/ml, the soda bottles will rise. As a result, you will be able to collect the soda bottles. To seperate the steel cans from the aluminum soda cans, you must use your magnets to bring up the stell can powder. Once the steel cans are eleminated, you will be able to collect the remaning aluminun soda cans.

Sincerly, Aamir Rupani

Friday, September 2, 2011

Why Chemistry

Chemistry is the most important science of all because it includs all the sciences. Chemistry is changing things to make it better. Chemistry is the most imporant science because chemistry keeps expanding due to discoveries. Chemistry inludes all types of matter. Chemistry has a purpose to make the world a better place from all diffrent angles. All the other sciences only look at one way to help the Earth.